It is with great sadness that we share the news that Rev. K.V. Mathai (78), father of Anoop Mathew passed into eternity on 5/7/2019 at 5:15 am.
Rev. K.V. Mathai was an esteemed clergy of the St. Thomas Evangelic church of India in Vaddakkencherry, Palakkad for over 40 years and a retired head master of Government of Kerala U.P. school Vadakkencherry. He is succeeded by his widow, Ammini Mathew and children, Sheela Sajan, Sheena Manju, Sheeja Varghese and Anoop Mathew. Funeral service was on Saturday May 11th at 8 am in Vadakkencherry, Kerala. We ask for your prayers for this family.
MMA Board